In just one day, when sick at home, I generated the following digitized data. If all of this information were to be aggregated (much of it is), it could be used to track someone’s every move, and predict their future movements. It’s quite alarming how much information that is saved in digital forms, when we are not even trying to generate data.
Health Information
- Temperature Readings
- Medicine Dosages
- Calories / Dietary Intake
- An almost constant GPS location
Writing & Communication
- Assignments
- Text Messages
- Audio Clips / Video Clips
- Research Notebook
- The time, order, volume, precise location, artists, and song information that I listen to on Spotify. Additionally, how much each song is played for.
- A list of websites (browser history), what I did on those websites (cookies), what I looked at on those web sites (ads, Google/FB), Key strokes (Microsoft, Samsung), Mouse movements
- Video playlists
- The lengths and times that my phone is on
- Bank account transaction info
- Credit card transaction info
- Tip amounts
- Itemized Receipts
- Referrals to purchase orders
- Times / Types of items purchased
Intentional Data – Data that is created with explicit intent to create data
- Homemade Movie animation frames.